#Migrating away from hardhat-waffle
Our recommended setup used to include Waffle using our hardhat-waffle
We now recommend using our Hardhat Chai Matchers and Hardhat Network Helpers instead.
Migrating to these packages only takes a few minutes, as they were designed as a drop-in replacement. If you do so, you'll get more functionality, like support for Solidity custom errors and native bigint
support, and a more reliable testing experience.
To learn how to start using them, read this guide.
# Using the Hardhat Toolbox
You can get our recommended setup by installing @nomicfoundation/hardhat-toolbox
, a single plugin that has everything you need.
When you use it, you'll be able to:
- Deploy and interact with your contracts using ethers.js and the
plugin. - Test your contracts with Mocha, Chai and our own Hardhat Chai Matchers plugin.
- Interact with Hardhat Network with our Hardhat Network Helpers.
- Verify the source code of your contracts with the hardhat-etherscan plugin.
- Get metrics on the gas used by your contracts with the hardhat-gas-reporter plugin.
- Measure your tests coverage with solidity-coverage.
- And, if you are using TypeScript, get type bindings for your contracts with Typechain.